Sunday, May 12, 2019

2019 Week 20: (May 12-May 18)

This week the sky will showcase the Spring constellations as they cross the sky in the evening.  Spend some time outside under the stars and learn what is above. 

May 18Venus 1.2°S of Uranus
May 18Full Moon

The Moon will be full on Saturday and lighting up the evening sky.  This will we be the last full week of true night as the Summer twilight sets in until July the following week.  Jupiter rises just before midnight in the constellation of Ophiuchus and will be great for Summer viewing.  Saturn soon follows the big planet as it continues to play around in Sagittarius.

There is one rocket launch scheduled for next week as a Falcon 9 will launch several SpaceX satellites into orbit.  This is scheduled for 8:30pm MDT on May 15.

May 15Falcon 9 - Starlink (20:30)

The event you're not going to want to miss is a free public lecture at the Calgary Public Library's Central Branch.  Dr. David Hobill will be giving a talk on Black Holes and Gravitational Waves.  This is a great opportunity to learn more about current science that is pushing the frontiers of our exploration of the universe.  A link to the event on Facebook is provided below.

For additional details check out the RASC - Calgary Centre page below.

May 16Public Lecture - Einstein Was Right After All - Black Holes, Gravitational Waves and the True Nature of Gravity (19:00)

This event is perfect for the whole family!  A lot of students do not have school the following Friday so they can stay up and learn more about gravity from a leading expert!

Gravitational Waves
Stay tuned for many great events happening throughout the Summer, including a special series of presentations held in every branch of the Calgary Public Library.  Follow our page below so you don't miss out!


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