Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Explore the Moon

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada hosts many observing programs for members of all ages.  The Explore the Moon is one such program dedicated to providing an introduction to our nearest celestial neighbour.

From the webpage: Explore the Moon

This observing program bridges the gap between the introductory Explore the Universe observing program and the comprehensive Isabel Williamson Lunar Observing Program.  It is ideal for beginning observers who are just learning about telescopes and binoculars, by provided a hands-on observing experience on an easy object--the Moon.

A link to the observing guides can be found below:

Explore the Moon - Telescope
Explore the Moon - Binocular

Full Moon
There are two types of certificate to earn, one with binoculars and one with a telescope.  The binocular program consists of 40 objects while the telescope program has 100.  All you need to do is locate the object and write a short log entry about it.  Include the date, time, sky conditions, instrument characteristics, magnification and by remarks about the object.

I started the Explore the Moon - Telescope program on May 29, 2020 and want to write about each of the 100 objects.  I hope this will be a guide to help you locate these objects and understand more about them.  Each blog entry will be entitled: Explore the Moon - Object, and filed under the Explore the Moon section of the page.


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