Sunday, February 18, 2018

2018 Week 8: (February 18-February 24)

It looks like it may be another snowy week here in Calgary with seasonal temperatures.  That is not too much of a problem because there isn't really anything exciting happening in the sky.  The chart below highlights this week.

February 21Falcon 9 Launch
February 23First Quarter
February 23Aldebaran 0.2°S of Moon

The Moon will be at first quarter this upcoming Friday.  This is always a good chance to see excellent features on the Moon at a reasonable time in the evening.  Aldebaran in Taurus will be a mere 0.7°S of the Moon.  This conjunction will be good for people in the Eastern Hemisphere, but we will be able to find both objects within the same binocular field as the Sun sets.

First Quarter Moon
I've mentioned before that the First Quarter is my favourite phase of the Moon.  I've managed to take some great pictures of some craters at or near this phase.  Links to these are shown below.

If you plan on staying in the house most of the week to avoid the weather you can catch the launch of a Falcon 9 rocket.  Although not as exciting as the Falcon Heavy it is still fun to watch.  It is currently planned to launch at 7:17am Calgary time on Wednesday, February 21.  As always, you can catch all space launches at the following webpage:

Falcon 9 Launch
If the Moon is covered by clouds, just sit back and watch the Falcon 9 takeoff with the Paz satellite from Madrid, Spain.

Stay warm and hope for better skies!


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