Sunday, April 14, 2019

2019 Week 16: (April 14-April 20)

There will be an incredible free public event this week that you are not going to want to miss!

April 19Full Moon

The sky is quite free of significant events but that should not stop you from getting out under the stars and enjoying the setting of the Winter constellations and the reign of the Spring.  The Moon will be full on the 19th so get out your neutral density filters if you want to see all of the regions with your scope!

Full Moon
This is a good chance to start working on your Explore the Moon certificate as you'll be able to see all of the significant maria during the Full Moon phase.  A link to this program can be found below.

There is one single rocket launch schedule for the week.  An Antares rocket will launch some cargo to the International Space Station.  This will take place early in the afternoon on Wednesday.

April 17Antares - NG-11 (14:46)

On Thursday we will be hosting a great event at the Calgary Public Library.  Join us at 8pm at the Central Branch for a discussion on the Aurora and the newly discovered phenomenon known as STEVE.  Researchers from the University of Calgary will guide us through their groundbreaking work on what is commonly known as the 'Northern Lights'.  A link to this event can be found here:

April 18The Aurora and STEVE - Central Branch, Calgary Public Library (8pm)

This event is completely free and open to the public.  It will be well worth the trip for a chance to see the amazing research being done.  You may also pick up some tips on how to best see the Aurora from right here in Calgary!

The Aurora over De Winton
We hope to see you there!  Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest events!


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