Sunday, September 30, 2018

2018 Week 40: (September 30-October 6)

We are beginning the 40th week of 2018 and it looks to be a cold one.  There is a layer of snow sitting outside my house right now.  The weather is forecast to have temperatures well below average.  Hopefully the snow won't stick around too long and the sky clears out.  The chart below highlights the events occurring throughout this upcoming week.

October 2Last Quarter
October 4Moon 1.2°S of Beehive Cluster (M44)
October 5Mercury 2°N of Spica
October 5Regulus 1.9°S of Moon

The Moon will reach its last quarter phase on the second of the month and be visible in the southeastern sky in the early hours of the morning.  Two days later the Moon will be sitting next to the Beehive Cluster which rises mere hours before the Sun.

M44 - Beehive Cluster

Mercury is currently residing in Virgo this week but the Sun is as well.  Unfortunately we will not be able to see the conjunction with Spica.

As the Moon hangs around the early morning sky it will be in conjunction with the bright star Regulus in Leo on October 5.

Mars and Saturn are still worth a look in the southern sky.  You will be able to discern Mars by its beautiful red colour.

There is one rocket launch scheduled for this week and it takes place on Saturday.  The time is still to be determined so stay tuned to for further information and the live launch.

October 6Falcon 9 - SAOCOM 1A

There will be an amazing stargazing event happening at Ralph Klein Park this Saturday.  Many astronomers will be out with their telescopes pointing at the wonders in the sky.  Inside there will be many presentations and things to see.  I will be speaking on this evening about 'What's up in the Sky'.  I will cover the many constellations that reside in our Autumn sky and about the deep-sky secrets they hold.  This event is being held from 7pm-10pm and it is completely FREE to everyone.

October 6Ralph Klein Park Public Stargazing (19:00-22:00)

A link to this event can be found below.

To follow the event on Facebook click on the link below.

We hope to see you there clear or cloudy!  Bring a mug for the hot chocolate!


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