Monday, April 10, 2017

Explore the Universe - Mu Boötis

A multiple star system I observed on April 6, 2017 was Mu Boötis.  It is actually a triple star system with the two bright stars separated by 108" and μ2 Boötis separated from its component star by a mere 2.2".  The seeing was not good enough for me to resolve the two members stars of μ2 Boötis but I hope to have the chance again.  The separation is comparable to the separation of the famous double double in Lyra so I know it is achievable from the backyard.

Unfortunately I do not know how to make double stars more exciting to read about, but I can try.  The star system's original name is Alkalurops but that designation has since been switched to only μ1 Boötis.  Kalurops is the Greek word for 'herdsman's crook' and the Al is just the Arabic prefix meaning 'the'.  This makes sense since Boötes is the constellation representing the herdsman.  His left hand is holding a leash and his right hand the crook.

Since it is a relatively dim star it was more difficult to find with the telescope.  I placed my red dot finder about a third of the way between Delta and Beta Boötis and moved the telescope slightly northeast about the same distance.  After a few false starts I matched Mu Boötis to the surrounding background stars in my star atlas.  The record below outlines what I observed.

Mu Boötis Observation Record
Alkalurops is also a two-handed conjurer's weapon in Final Fantasy XIV that looks similar to a herdman's crook.  As I said I am trying to make multiple star systems seem more interesting, I didn't say I'd do it successfully.


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